Who wants to see Scotland’s independence created within a modernised framework, delivered by the people of Scotland? Because, that can now theoretically happen.

Westminster has told Scotland that a Section 30 Order to hold a paper vote referendum, will not be forthcoming. Some people in Scotland still wish to proceed anyway, with ‘an advisory referendum’ … ? So, which organisation will provide that advisory referendum? Costing NB circa 16 million pounds. Do you honestly think that the UK Electoral Commission (who currently oversee all electoral systems in Scotland) will provide it, without a Section 30 Order?
How about Scotland’s government absolutely revolutionises democracy, in an overnight shift to totally new direct digital democracy, within the existing electoral structures? Sorry folks, electoral law is reserved to Westminster. So you are stuck in the meantime with paper and pencil.
Did you know that the people of Scotland delivered 2M paper signatures in support of Scotland’s independence? It happened back in the 1950s.
The Scottish Covenant was ignored by Westminster, who were presumably saying, ‘these signatures are made-up!’
Fast forward to today. It’s now possible to deliver an even bigger modern era equivalent. Similarly, only focused on recording the YES. Maybe to modernise the capability, it should be called ‘The Scottish Blockchain Treaty’ .. ?
But this time around, use distributed ledger technology, and the signatures are via 100% verified citizen identities? In a democracy, nobody can dispute with an indelible, immutable majority.
Think of it, as a new version of a referendum process. Consider it, as a gigantic poll, seeking to very easily use verified identities to consolidate the entire Scotland indy YES, through a digital vortex portal, and into one single centralised and accelerating mass.
The platform itself, with totally unprecedented community empowerment and fundraising tools. Social media sharing and visible statistics all the way. Totally brand new modernised democracy.
And no disrespect to those of our English neighbours in Westminster, but if the people of Scotland wish to define our United Nations rights to self-determination, then we will do so. And if there’s a 2,200,001 population majority in favour of independence, this will logically enable Scotland’s government with ability to proceed to enact independence itself.
Would anyone take part? To remind you, in February 2016 we submitted SNP Member Policy for a #DLT blockchain-underpinned website, to measure the will of the people. That request sadly got turned down. The SNP gave Scotland an online survey in September 2016 instead! Alas, without properly underpinning it with verified identities and blockchain technology. It initiated, without even being GDPR compliant.
Nevertheless, 2M+ people still stepped forward and took part. It was the biggest political survey in Scotland’s history.
Today, there are two combined necessities. Firstly, citizens need to confirm desire for independence. Secondly, that same desire needs to be underpinned with a future constitution for Scotland – this is based on the developmental prototype of the proposed constitution, as recently submitted to Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Constitution. The constitution itself originated in 2012, and has already had input from more than 250 Scotland citizens. It’s designed to be further refined if anyone can indeed refine it further, via an ongoing Citizen Assembly process, asking everyone in Scotland simply, ‘What sort of modern country do we want to become? What is our aspiration, our ambition?’ And then proceed with it.
So, let’s get on with it all, using the best mechanisms currently available.
In order to do this however, every single citizen will need to be provided with an (NEC) National Entitlement Card. Currently, 19 out of Scotland’s 32 councils successfully allow anyone to acquire an NEC.
Every single council already has the requisite equipment, technology and infrastructure in place, to deliver NECs in existing formats for Scots under the age of 26, those less abled, and those of bus pass age. 19 out of 32 councils also already allow anyone age between 26 and bus pass, to acquire NECs for Library or Leisure purposes.
Seemingly, 3.4M out of the entire Scotland 4.4M electorate, can already acquire an ID card today.
All that needs to be done, is for the 13 councils which don’t currently provide NECs for those aged between 26 and bus pass, to be instructed by Scotland’s government to provide NECs for all.
By current estimate, only circa 22% of Scotland’s citizens cannot acquire their NECs from those 13 councils. So this needs immediate fixing.
After all, why should a country have a National Entitlement Card available for only 78% of the population?
In practical terms, to acquire your NEC, you visit your council with proof of identity, and proof of address. Your photo is taken with a handheld camera connected to a PC. The combined information is then emailed to The Improvement Service in Livingston, who then manufacture the card and send it to you in the post.
We underline, we would have massive concerns if the NECs were to be used for a blockchain democracy platform asking both YES or No to independence, specifically because the cards can be acquired by empty and holiday home owners, English military personnel temporarily stationed in Scotland – and all families of all those in these 3 categories. If it’s a straight endeavour to define YES alone, then these concerns are largely alleviated.
Up until now, technology capability had been suggesting that Scotland would need to start totally from scratch, and transition into using the latest generation of identity cards, including holographic, biometric, and microchip layers, similar to the national scheme recently introduced in Italy.
However, such is the scale of progress, the totally new juncture of blockchain-underpinned self-sovereign identities is now on the very cusp of becoming a reality. This means, that in the future Scotland’s citizens will be able individually, to create their own #SSI self-sovereign identities, with the connection to government services, being confirmed simply by the upload of an NEC, with government then confirming that the NEC itself is an original.
As a quick snapshot of the further future, citizens are going to create their own self-sovereign identities, using a combination of biometric facial scan, fingerprint, voice recognition, upload of official documentations such as passports, and driving licenses, plus NECs. Having created #SSI, your ID is now on your smartphone!
In the meantime, none of that complexity is required for a national indy platform. All that is required is name, address, and an upload of an ID card.
How does the system make sure that only official ID cards are used? We are informed by qualified opinion from within Scotland’s blockchain academic community, that Zero Knowledge Proofs can firstly fully interface with Scotland’s electoral roll. The capability to use technology itself with machine recognition to verify identities, has now been better than human recognition for more than 6 years.
Current status, which of Scotland’s 32 councils currently issue cards for Library and Leisure?
Shetland Islands – No
Orkney Islands – No
Highland – YES!
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar – YES!
Moray – No
Aberdeenshire – YES!
Aberdeen City – YES!
Angus – YES!
Perth and Kinross – YES!
Dundee City Council – YES!
Argyll and Bute – YES!
Stirling – YES!
Clackmannanshire – No
Fife – YES!
Inverclyde – No
West Dunbartonshire- YES!
East Dunbartonshire – YES!
Falkirk – No
City of Edinburgh – No
East Lothian – YES!
Midlothian – No
West Lothian – No
North Lanarkshire – YES!
Glasgow City Council – YES!
Renfrewshire – No
North Ayrshire – YES!
East Renfrewshire – No
East Ayrshire – No
South Lanarkshire – YES!
Scottish Borders – YES
South Ayrshire – No
Dumfries and Galloway – YES!
Those of you who have been closely following progress, will already know that we’ve been very carefully considering how to best deliver the #BlockchainDemocracy indy pilot platform for Scotland.
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We will now look to design the platform purely on NECs for identities. The platform can then potentially be opened up totally, for national participation. We therefore call upon Scotland’s government to cover the commercial costs of the national platform, for 4.4M participants. This will be a fraction of 2014’s referendum costs.
Beyond the scope of the pilot platform, there will be costs (a) to verify identities, and (b) for the national platform itself.
We also underline, because NECs can then subsequently be used to pave the way for digital citizenships for all of Scotland’s citizens, the savings compared to starting a brand new digital citizenship scheme from scratch, would be in the tens of millions of pounds. 
We can confirm today, that Evernym are one #SSI organisation that would certainly wish to work with Scotland’s government, to provide the capabilities to transition the existing hard copy NECs into brand new digital citizenships. Indeed, they have offered us the opportunity to immediately embark on an Accelerator Program, but this will require £75,000 project initiation costs. This project should be progressed directly via Scotland’s government.
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Say hello to the incredible further savings across the span of all future public services. Say hello to a new world of convenience for Scotland’s citizens.
Last week’s EU elections saw Scots putting up their folding tables in draughty old village halls, with electoral oversight using rulers, paper and pencils, plastic boxes and couriers. In Estonia, they voted digitally.
For those in Scotland who say, ‘It cannot be done’, we reply ‘It has already been done!!!” Scotland’s new future, simply needs to emulate Estonia’s X-Road. But further underpin it now, and improve it even further, with new emerging #DLT blockchain capabilities.
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National Platform verification of identities can be achieved with the updated post EU Elections (and inclusive of all EU nationals living in Scotland) Scotland electoral roll, in tandem with eg with Global Identity Data Intelligence for Businesses | GBG
The potentials are crystal clear. Scotland can define new democracy for all. But decisions need to be taken. We wish the decision-makers in Scotland’s government all the best.

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