Blockchain Democracy Motion Lodged in Scotland’s Parliament

Scotland’s #Blockchain capabilities continue to accelerate from within and around Edinburgh’s two groundbreaking, pioneering centres of global aspirational excellence, These are specifically firstly, The Blockchain Technology Laboratory within The University of Edinburgh, and secondly the brand new BlockpassID Laboratory within Napier University.

Work within these incredible and dynamic hubs of ambition now has very clear capability to begin to extend out to provide improvements across the entire span of life in Scotland. The fourth industrial revolution is certainly beginning.

On 20th September 2018, Jenny Gilruth MSP for Mid Fife and Glenrothes, lodged the following Motion in Scotland’s Parliament, the devolved national, unicameral legislature of Scotland.

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On all combined basis, Scotland now needs to be provided with The Scottish Common Blockchain, or whatever it is to be named, as recently called for by Business for Scotland, our country’s largest campaigning network and future think tank.

Scotland needs a permanent democracy platform, which renders the previous archaic referendum process as obsolete. The blockchain platform can guage national opinions in a totally new, more relevant, befitting and permanent modernised way. This is dependent today only on one thing, and that’s the issuing of digital entitlement cards, for all Scots who don’t yet have one. We understand this will happen, late spring 2019.

The time for a new and kinder, truthful, holistic, inclusive, welcoming and participatory digitalised democracy is now. Conceptuals can now accelerate, redolent with sentiments, manners and ambition.

If Scotland’s people want Independence now or indeed in the future, there is now ability to measure that opinion in a permanent and progressive non-ending way. Underlined, no end date.

Unbeknown today to 99.999% of the people, Scotland’s government actually confirmed on 31st July 2018, that the future of Scotland’s democracy will indeed be underpinned with #DLT distributed ledger technology, alternatively known as blockchain.

As the above Motion has now been lodged in the Scotland Parliament, defining that any further measuring of desire for Independence should be facilitated with blockchain technology, Scotland’s government firstly needs to offer every possible assistance to Scotland’s blockchain identity academics.

There surely needs to be a quickly defined collaboration between Scotland’s blockchain identity academics, one of the world’s most relevant blockchain democracy platform providers, and Scotland’s government? This entire process should be initiated, led and inspired by our government.

There is of course another variation on this theme. The blockchain identity academics and one of the world’s most relevant democracy platform providers, could proceed without government assistance. That’s a blunt fact, and it’s also completely real.

YesDayScotland has already confirmed on twitter, that capability now exists, non disclosure agreements are in progress, and we will outline more, when we are authorised to do so.

In Professor Bill Buchanan’s keynote presentation ‘Times They Are A Changin: New Worlds & New Opportunities’ Blockchain summary on 17.10.2018 at Napier University, it was defined that, ‘Scotland is a big ship to turn’. But nobody in the 150 capacity blockchain audience ventured a response suggesting that the ship could not be turned.

So, in order to turn the ship, somebody had better turn the wheel.

In relation to democracy, the equivalent … is the introduction of a 2019 #BlockchainDemocracy platform, with verified citizen identities. 

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Should you have a spare 1hr 15mins, heres a link to watch the entire Napier presentation. The future of recognising the identity of individuals, as you’ll have never seen before: ‘Times They Are A Changin: New Worlds & New Opportunities’